Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Just like that episode of Friends

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and in the spirit of the holiday I have decided to list (what can I say…I love me some list-making) what I’m thankful for this year.

1. My deliciously geeky husband who will watch obscure European films with me, clean the hair out the bathroom drain WITHOUT COMPLAINING and who’ll never let me go to sleep mad.

2. My parents who plan their vacations three years in advance.

3. My brother who taught me everything I ever wanted to know about tripod fish, fossa, and vampire squid. Oh yeah, and Batman.

4. My in-laws who can play cards for hours and days on end.

5. The apple-loving baby who has been kicking up a storm the past few days

6. My super-mutt puppy who always brings you one shoe when you arrive home

7. Friends that make me laugh, even when nothing is funny.

8. The fact that Thanksgiving means I can officially start listening to Christmas music as of Friday morning.

9. My good health, the roof over my head and the fig-infused vinegar in my pantry

10. My awesome kitchen with a rock-star oven

11. Softlips Chapstick. The best chapstick to weather the Santa Ana winds.

12. That Chuck is returning to NBC in January

13. Aroma café’s chai tea latte. It’s truly the best one in Southern California (and trust me, I’ve practically made it my mission to try them all and see).

1 comment:

Speedy Canizales said...

I love Aroma Coffee & Tea. It's one of my favorite breakfast spots in LA.

It looks like you are thankful for a lot of things - I am too but the list was too long to post. I opted for the top two.

Are you still running? I keep thinking that I will run into you one of these days.