Friday, July 15, 2011


How lame is it when people go “sorry, I haven’t posed, I’ve been busy?” Yeah, that’s pretty lame, right? The thing is, I have been busy; I’ve been so insanely busy that yesterday I didn’t even make the bed, and if you know me at all, you know I’m the kind of person who, even if the bed has been unmade all day, MAKES IT IN THE EVENING BEFORE SHE GETS BACK INTO IT TO SLEEP. Yep, that’s the kind of crazy, uptight, AAA personality I am. And, yesterday, I didn’t make the bed at all.

Besides gallivanting around the country for various family members’ weddings, I’ve been spending my time lately attending bridal showers, birthday parties, baby showers and a baptism. Additionally, we’ve had numerous visits with old friends, new friends and family, a birthday celebration, and trying to fit in marathon training. I forgot how time consuming training can be. But, completing a long run on Saturday morning really eats up your day - especially since it takes me the rest of the day to recover. Oh, and a little thing called grading papers. Internet, I can’t tell you how excited I’m going to be to finish reading papers about Our Town and illegal immigration.

In other news, this weekend is the big Carmageddon weekend, the planned closure of the 405 between the 101 and the 10. If you haven’t heard about this, you must be living under a rock or something – but, this means that a) I finally have a weekend at home, thank you Mayor Villaraigosa. I don’t take your advice often, but this weekend I’m all ears. And b) since I have nothing better to do, I might get around to starting my 2010 photo album. Now, I just have seven thousand pictures to organize, Photoshop and create in Blurb book, so I’m thinking I should be finished sometime in 2013. photo (5)

A view of the valley. I took this near the end of a recent 10-mile run, in which I nearly died. And then I remembered must do twice this, PLUS six point two more miles to complete the marathon ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Holy smokes. 


heidi said...

do you take that little cutie running with you?

Sara said...

Heidi - on the shorer ones I do, but she can only stand being in the stroller or 80-90 minutes tops.