Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Dad is better than your Dad

So my mother told me that I wasn’t allowed to write a special 60th birthday post for my dad because it would make him sad and weepy, and then he’d have to close his office door and have a little cry, and that could get kind of embarrassing for him, because henceforth – I would imagine – no one would take him seriously in meetings. And so I promised that I wouldn’t.

And yet it’s his 60th birthday, and because I haven’t actually got him anything else (um, yet?), I thought a little recognition couldn’t go amiss.

And so I hereby present you with a list of things I like best about my dad.

  • He will always drive you to the airport if you need to go there, and he will always pick you up. Just always remember you will leave on the FIRST flight, and your phone should be on immediately after landing. If the airplane reaches the gate without a conversation, you may lose your ride home.
  • He will pretty much always be on time for you. Actually, he will pretty much always be early.
  • He always feels the need for a fire in the fireplace on Christmas Day. Even if it is 80 degrees and windy, but at least there is air-conditioning.
  • He plans his vacations two years in advance, down to the minute.
  • He loves his granddaughter more than he could ever have imagined, and adores being a grandpa, even if he refuses to acknowledge the name.
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Happy Birthday Dad!

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