Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Five rotations of the sun

Darling girl,

Last week we had your parent-teacher conference with your preschool teacher and as we sat down she told us point blank that you are an “awesome kid.” And you know what, she is 100% right.
I look at you and I am absolutely blown away, I cannot believe that you are five years old. Part of me feels like we are at the end of a chapter. But, you know what the best part is my love? This means we are also at the start of a new one. And I can't wait. I love watching you grow.

I love that you are starting to sound out words and sounds. I love that you can ride your bike so fast that I can barely keep up running alongside. I love that you dig your toes into the sand at the beach and I love that you sometimes lose your mind with giddiness when I tell you we’re headed on a family adventure. I love that you pick wildflowers on our afternoon hikes. I love that you have memorized all the planets. I love that you build Lego castles for your little sisters. I love that you constantly want to conduct science experiments. I love that you dance and sing for your baby sister. I love that you have memorized the lyrics to Momma Mia.  I love that you spend the majority of your day immersed in pretend play. I love learning about this world with you.
A new thing you do is to make lists. With your new found love of writing, you now make lists of EVERYTHING: play princesses and pirates. eat pancakes for breakfast. ride my bike. read books. It’s the cutest thing in the world, but for a few weeks it drove me nuts because we couldn’t start our day until your written list was complete.

Then this past Saturday morning as we chowed on Daddy's blueberry pancakes for breakfast you asked me what we were doing that weekend and I said, “Let’s make a list. We need some avocados and asparagus at farmer’s market, and we need some stamps from the post office. Momma would like to go on a long run and maybe we can ride our bikes to the park. Oh, we need to vacuum.”

There it is. Mystery solved.

Darling, there are times when I look at you and my heart yearns for you to be little and new again. This is not one of those times. Five times around the sun and all I can think is that I cannot wait to see what sort of adventures my little monkey girl will bring us in the next five.
I love you more than all the water in the ocean and all stars in the sky.

Love, Momma

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